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Young Adult Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment

Hallucinogens can impact a young person’s ability to think, communicate, and understand what is real and what is not. Hallucinogenic drugs can also have serious long-term effects such as psychotic-like episodes, respiratory depression, and heart rate abnormalities.

arafed woman with long brown hair and a black turtle neck sweater
there is a man with a backpack standing on a train track
smiling man in red sweater with a red tie and a red sweater

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7 Signs You May Need Addiction Treatment

What Are Hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are substances that alter a person’s awareness of their surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.

There are two common categories of hallucinogens: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs.

Hallucinogens cause hallucinations, which are sensations that appear real but are not.

Hallucinogens may be extracted from plants or mushrooms, and some are man-made. Hallucinogens have been used in religious settings, for rituals and healing, and more recently, they have been used for recreational purposes, especially among young people.

Some examples of classic hallucinogens include:

  • LSD
  • Psilocybin
  • Peyote
  • DMT

What Symptoms Are Caused By Hallucinogens?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2020, among people ages 12 and older, approximately 372,000 people had a hallucinogen use disorder in the past 12 months.

Because of its rise in recreational use among young people, it is important to become educated and aware of hallucinogens’ effects.

Lack of coordination or disorientation
Increased body temperature or heart rate

Find Hallucinogen Detox Center Near Me

Image of a building with the Sandstone Care sign.

Virginia Detox Center

15100 Enterprise Court, Suite 300, Chantilly, Virginia, 20151

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Young AdultsAdults
Levels of Care: DetoxResidential
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
Colorado Springs Detox Center

Colorado Springs Detox Center

2102 University Park Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80918

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Young AdultsAdults
Levels of Care: DetoxResidential
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis

What Drugs Cause Hallucinations?

Hallucinogens are drugs that cause hallucinations.

Hallucinations can include:

  • Feeling bodily sensations, like something crawling on your skin
  • Hearing sounds that are not real, such as music, tapping, banging, or footsteps
  • Hearing voices when no one is talking. These voices aren’t always negative; however, in some cases, they can cause someone to harm themselves or others
  • Seeing patterns or objects that are not there
  • Smelling an odor that no one else can smell

There are a variety of different causes of hallucinations. If you are experiencing hallucinations, you should contact a health care professional.

Dissociative drugs include:

  • PCP (Phencyclidine)
  • Ketamine
  • DXM
  • Salvia
Sandstone Care Collage image with clients
Collage image with people looking stressed

How Addictive Are Hallucinogens To Young Adults?

Some research suggests that certain hallucinogens can be addictive, and individuals can develop a tolerance.

A tolerance occurs when the body gets used to a substance and needs more of it to achieve its effects.

For example, LSD doesn’t cause uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior; however, a person who uses LSD may develop a tolerance, meaning they need higher doses to reach the same effects.

PCP can be addictive. Individuals have reported experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they stop using PCP, such as cravings, headaches, and sweating.

More studies need to be done to determine how addictive hallucinogens can be.

We’re available 7 days a week to help answer any questions you may have.

What Is The Mechanism Of Action Of Hallucinogens?

Classic hallucinogens work by impacting neural circuits of the brain that involve the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Hallucinogens activate certain receptors, specifically 5-HT2A receptors, typically triggered by serotonin.

In doing so, hallucinogens disrupt the communication process, causing alterations in sensory perception.

What Part Of The Young Adult Brain Do Hallucinogens Effect?

Classic hallucinogens can temporarily block communication between the brain and spinal cord.

More specifically, many of the effects of hallucinogens happen in the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that is still undergoing major development throughout a person’s mid-twenties.

Hallucinogens can impact the brain’s chemical serotonin, which is responsible for functions such as mood, sensory perception, sleep, hunger, temperature, and muscle control.

Dissociative drugs can affect the brain’s chemical glutamate. Glutamate regulates pain perception, emotion, learning, and memory.


3D constructed image of human brain
Teen with poor mental health

What Are The Short-term Effects Of Hallucinogen Use In Young Adults?

Different types of hallucinogens can lead to other negative effects. For example, PCP can cause seizures, severe muscle contractions, and psychotic symptoms.

Short-term effects of hallucinogens can include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Intense sensory experiences
  • Distorted perception of time
  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, or temperature
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleep changes
  • Spiritual experiences
  • Sweating
  • Paranoia or panic
  • Loss of coordination
  • Psychosis refers to the disordered thought of being detached from reality


What Are Some Long-term Effects Of Hallucinogen Addiction In Young Adults?

Persistent Psychosis is a possible long-term effect of hallucinogen use in young adults.

Persistent psychosis refers to continuing mental problems involving paranoia, visual disturbances, changes in mood, and disorganized thinking.

Another long-term effect is Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). HPPD is a condition that is characterized by recurrences or flashbacks of drug experiences that can happen days or over a year after substance use.

Both of these conditions can happen in anyone who uses hallucinogens, even after one time.

Long-term effects of dissociative drugs can include:

Speech problems
Weight loss
Social withdrawal
Memory problems
Anxiety or depression
Suicidal thoughts
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View Our Treatment Locations

Sandstone Care offers age-specific, individualized, and evidence-based treatment programs that help you regain control of your life and achieve lasting recovery.

People consoling a depressed man

What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms Of Hallucinogen Addiction?

Someone with a hallucinogen addiction may experience withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Aggression or irritability
  • Depression
  • Flashbacks

Medication-assisted detox (MAD) can help individuals with a tolerance or addiction ease the withdrawal symptoms in a safe way.

How To Ask Your Parents For Help: Steps to asking for help

How Do You Know You Need Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment?

It may be time to seek help for hallucinogen addiction treatment if:

  • Hallucinogen use is having a negative effect on everyday life, responsibilities, and health
  • You are struggling with other co-occurring mental health disorder
  • You are experiencing withdrawal symptoms when hallucinogen use stops

If you think you or a loved one are in need of hallucinogen addiction treatment, it is important to reach out to professional help like a healthcare provider to receive a proper diagnosis.

Getting Your Teen or Young Adult to Treatment

What Is The Best Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment For Young Adults?

There are no FDA-approved medications for treating fentanyl addiction; however, behavioral therapies can be helpful.

Young Adult Specific Approach

Find your way to being you

Young adult treatment helps you make change.

Change isn’t static. Change happens when you – and only you – decide. As a young adult addiction treatment center, our job isn’t to make you change. It’s to empower you as you seek something different.

Our programs include various experiential programs such as yoga, art therapy, physical activities, and outdoor adventures to help young adults become their happiest, healthiest selves.

Learn more about our therapies

Icon Mental Health
Individual Therapy

Work one-on-one with an experienced young adult therapist to identify and address the underlying root causes of addiction.

Icon Chat Heart
Group Therapy

Build resilience, test out your newly learned tools, and develop a community of support during your addiction treatment process.

Icon Search Person
Evidence-Based Therapies

Learn more about the young adult evidence-based addiction therapies we use to create long-lasting change beyond the walls of our programming.

Sandstone Care -  Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment
Medication-Assisted Treatment

Explore how our team uses MAT responsibly to address young adult addiction and in conjunction with our evidence-based therapies.

The Family Component
Family Therapy

Engage your family in your recovery process. Addiction doesn’t happen in isolation, and treating the whole system is more effective.

Icon Dual Diagnosis

Address substance use disorder and frequently co-occurring mental health needs like anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Icon Open Book
Academic and Vocational Support

Develop workplace skills and vocational assets to help you find stability in school, work, and young adult environments.

People holding hands in Group therapy


Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common, evidence-based therapeutic approach used to treat various mental health and substance use disorders.

CBT refers to a wide variety of therapies and can be used individually and in groups.

CBT can be particularly helpful for young adults because it can help them identify unhealthy thought patterns and coping mechanisms and learn how to restructure them.

When using CBT as a treatment for substance abuse, some of the interventions that are included are:

  • Strategies to avoid triggers
  • Learning problem-solving skills
  • Coping skills
  • Increased self-awareness to help identify warning signs
  • Identifying the positives and negatives of substance use and being substance-free
  • Creating plans for likely problems


Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a form of psychotherapy that is also used for treating a number of different mental health conditions along with addiction.

DBT focuses on four main skills: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. These four skills connect to promote the balance of acceptance and change.

DBT can help young people struggling with mental health or addiction by targeting their unique thoughts and feelings that can lead them to destructive behaviors.

Family therapy
A geometric graphic of a white mountain outline.

The Continuum of Care

Care for wherever you are in your journey.

Access a full range of treatments for mental health and substance use disorders. Whether you need a safe transitional living community, inpatient care, or outpatient therapy, we have a program to help.

Learn more about levels of care

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5-21 days of 24/7 on-site medical supervision.

Our Medically-Assisted Detox and Inpatient Center offers private rooms and 24/7 medically supervised care to support a safe recovery from drugs and alcohol, followed by comprehensive treatment that addresses your physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs.

A clinician examining a patient at Virginia Medical Detox Center.
Detox Explained
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2-6 Months

Our Transitional Living Program combines the structure of treatment and group living, with the freedom of living away from home.

This level of care is for young adults (18-30) who are not quite ready to heal from home. This level of care provides a safe and supportive living environment integrated with a PHP or IOP level of care. Here, you’ll learn life skills and healthy recovery strategies in an environment that’s set up for your success.

Group outside in Sandstone Care
Transitional Living Overview
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4 weeks of on-site day treatment.

Our Young Adult Day Treatment Program, also known as Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), is a highly structured level of care for young adults that offers five days of robust programming a week.

Our two distinct mental health and substance use tracks help young adults to stabilize, begin to understand their mental health and/or addiction struggles, and heal from them. We strive to help our clients become more like the person they want to be without using negative coping strategies or substances to get there.

Woman explaining treatment at Sandstone Care
Day Treatment Explained
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12 weeks of on-site or virtual treatment.

Our Young Adult IOP, or Intensive Outpatient Program, offers two distinct tracks to address young adult needs, each track consisting of 3-4 days of weekly programming.

In our mood disorder track, we are able to focus on mental health, depression, trauma, and anxiety. In our dual diagnosis track, we are able to support young adults with substance use and mental health challenges. Each focuses on developing positive social, academic, and vocational habits while continuing with their job or school responsibilities.

Seated woman explaining IOP at Sandstone Care
Intensive Outpatient Program Explained

Hallucinogen Addiction Treatment Locations

View All Locations

Denver Rehab Center

Denver Rehab Center

7555 E Hampden Ave #103, Denver, Colorado, 80231

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
there is a car parked in front of a building with a glass door

Drug Rehab Virginia Beach

5040 Corporate Woods Dr, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23462

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
there is a pond in front of a building with a walkway

Virginia Beach Mental Health Center

5040 Corporate Woods Dr., Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23462

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Mental Health
Addiction Treatment  Richmond VA

Addiction Treatment Richmond VA

4880 Sadler Rd, Suite 110, Glen Allen, Virginia, 23060

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis


You have questions. We have answers.

Our goal is to provide the most helpful information. Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions. We are here to help in any way we can.

Different types of hallucinogens can be found in a variety of ways.

Some can be in the form of pills or liquids, while others can be snorted or injected.

LSD, for example, can be absorbed through the lining of the mouth using substance-soaked blotter paper pieces.

Hallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) is a syndrome that involves prolonged or reoccurring symptoms that are related to hallucinogenic effects and experiences.

A person with HPPD may have these experiences days, weeks, or years after they’ve used a particular substance.

HPPD can be categorized into two groups. Type 1 HPPD typically involves brief, random flashbacks. Type 2 HPPD is usually more long-term.

HPPD is more likely to develop in people who have a history of mental health issues or substance use.

Hallucinogenic agents, or hallucinogenic drugs, produce hallucinations and illusions.

The effect of hallucinogenic agents is to alter thought and sensory perceptions.

Teens and young adults are especially vulnerable to developing an addiction after drug use.

Young adults face many unique stressors such as things like work, school, relationships, and problems in their personal life.

Because of this, many young adults turn to substances as a way to cope. However, substance use can quickly lead to a number of different problems, including substance use disorders, addiction, and long-term health effects.

Additionally, mental illness is most prevalent among young adults ages 18 to 25. Substance use disorders and mental disorders commonly co-occur. Substance use and addiction can worsen the symptoms of mental illness and vice versa.

Young adult hallucinogen addiction is something that should be taken seriously. If you or a loved one are struggling with hallucinogen addiction, seek help as soon as possible.

People may use hallucinogens for a variety of different reasons.

Hallucinogenic plants have been used historically for religious purposes. In some cases, people may be trying to detach from reality, achieve “visions,” or get in contact with a spiritual world.

Currently, people still use hallucinogens for ritualistic purposes, along with recreational use.

Some people may try it to experiment or as a way of coping if they are dealing with stress or other mental health conditions.

It is important for people, especially young adults, to educate themselves about the effects and risks of hallucinogens.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, some hallucinogens can potentially be used for treating certain mental health disorders such as depression.

Esketamine has been approved as a treatment for severe depression in individuals who do not respond well to other treatments. In this setting, the medication would be administered in a medical office as opposed to being taken home.

More research is being done on the effectiveness, safety, and potential of using hallucinogens as a treatment for depression and other mental illnesses.

According to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, studies indicate that hallucinogens may have therapeutic applications aside from their potential for abuse.

Some types of hallucinogens have shown the potential to treat certain conditions such as chronic pain, headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mood disorders, substance use disorders, and psychological distress.

Research also suggests that hallucinogens may help improve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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Young black man standing in front of a blue background.

Let’s Take the Next Steps Together

We understand taking the first step is difficult. There is no shame or guilt in asking for help or more information. We are here to support you in any way we can.

TheAlps Boulder Featured Image 900×675

Residential Treatment Program in Colorado

38619 Boulder Canyon Dr., Boulder, Colorado, 80302

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Young Adults
Levels of Care: Residential
Treatment Programs: Mental HealthSubstance UseDual-Diagnosis
Denver Rehab Center

Denver Rehab Center

7555 E Hampden Ave #103, Denver, Colorado, 80231

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
there is a car parked in front of a building with a glass door

Drug Rehab Virginia Beach

5040 Corporate Woods Dr, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23462

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis