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Jessie Jeffrey

Maryland Clinical Outreach Manager

Jessie has worked in the substance use and mental health field for several years now and has a wide range of experience that varies from Clinical Outreach, Admissions, Alumni, Case Management, and Peer Support. Prior to Sandstone, Jessie was a Director for The Phoenix Recovery Academy, Maryland’s only recovery high school. She would speak within area Middle Schools and High Schools sharing her personal experience in hopes of educating others on the topic of substance use disorder. It was through those experiences and her interactions with the students, that she found her passion for working with adolescents. She truly believes in the importance of establishing a nurturing environment of trust and support, in order for adolescents and young adults to thrive. For her, she has found no greater fulfillment than being able to work hand in hand with clients and their families, while they are trying to navigate through life’s challenges. When she isn’t working, Jessie values spending time with her family, can be found connecting with her peers in her recovery community or on her back deck, meditating in her hammock.