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How To Support Someone With Depression

African American holding hands on a dark navy background
What is Depression

What Is Depression?

Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts.

Everyone experiences feelings of sadness or times when they feel down. With depression, these negative feelings don’t go away.

There are different forms of depression, including:

  • Major depressive disorder
  • Persistent depressive disorder
  • Perinatal depression
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Depression with symptoms of psychosis

If you or someone you know is facing challenges with depression, it is crucial to seek professional help. Depression is treatable, and various therapies are available to address each individual’s needs.


What Impact Does Depression Have On People?

Depression is a common but serious condition that impacts a person’s everyday life.

Living with depression can make it challenging to perform in school and work. It affects a person’s eating and sleeping habits and makes it hard to get through everyday tasks.

Individuals with depression experience persistent sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that can lead to serious negative thought cycles.

Depression can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and become so bad that they may experience suicidal thoughts.


Why Is It Important To Help People With Depression?

Depression is a serious mood disorder.

It can make a person feel extremely sad, lonely, and hopeless. Depression may lead to other serious health problems and self-harming behaviors.

Helping a person with depression can save a life and lead someone toward healing.

"Impact of Depression in People" illustrated with relevant graphics and why helping a person with depression is important in saving a life and leading someone toward healing

What Is The Best Way To Help Someone Who Is Depressed?

The best way to help someone depressed is to be there for them and connect them with professional help.


Why Is It Important For Individuals To Understand Mental Health?

Individuals need to understand mental health to take care of themselves and recognize when help is needed.

Mental health affects every aspect of a person’s life. When a person faces challenges with their mental health, it can affect their overall well-being.

What To Do If Someone Is Suicidal

If someone is suicidal, seek help right away. You can call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.


What To Do When Someone Is Suicidal And Refuses Help?

It can be hard for someone suicidal to open up to another person about what they are going through.

It can also be tough to take help, whether they know they need it.

If you are trying to help someone who is suicidal, there are a few things you can do:

  • Listen to them and what they have to say
  • Be clear and direct with them
  • Seek professional support
How to help a suicidal person illustrated into 3 list items of helping methods with digital illustrations

Do You Call 911 If Someone Is Suicidal?

If someone is suicidal, they are in danger and can harm themselves or others.

Call 911 if someone is suicidal.


Where Do Suicidal Thoughts Come From?

Suicidal thoughts can come from several different causes.

This can include:

  • Bullying
  • Abuse
  • Mental health problems
  • Losing a loved one
  • Money or housing problems
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Trauma
4 Possible causes of suicidal thoughts illustrated with relevant graphics

How To Recognize Depression In Others

What Are The Major Signs Of Depression?

Some of the most common warning signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Persistent sad, “empty,” or low mood
  • Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Irritability and frustration
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue and decreased energy
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleeping problems
  • Unexplained physical health problems
6 Major Signs of Depression represented with graphics in a mindmap style

How Do People Identify Depression?

A person who may be depressed may identify the signs of depression by recognizing how it affects them daily.

Everyone has times when they feel sad or down. However, people experiencing depression feel these negative emotions for more than two weeks.

These feelings affect almost every aspect of their life: sleep, eating habits, relationships, work, school, and personal life.

Identifying depression can be challenging. If you think you or a loved one may be struggling with depression, reach out for help.

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illustration of a woman with a hula hoop around her head

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How To Identify Signs Of Depression In Individuals

Identifying the signs of depression in others can be challenging at times because some people may seem completely fine.

Paying attention to your loved ones when something is out of the ordinary can determine if you should communicate your concerns.


What Are The Observable Measurable Signs For Someone Affected By Depression?

Some of the most common observable signs for someone affected by depression can include:

  • Changes in their appetite and eating habits
  • Substance abuse
  • Fatigue
  • Isolating themselves
  • Seeming quiet or withdrawn
  • Problems concentrating or remembering things


What Behavior Is Most Characteristic Of Someone Diagnosed With Depression?

One of the leading behavioral characteristics of someone diagnosed with depression is losing interest in things they used to enjoy.

This lack of interest can cause a person to sleep a lot, isolate themselves from their loved ones, or become withdrawn.

Sometimes it is hard to see these behaviors because many people with depression may mask these symptoms.

3 Behaviors of Depressed People represented with relevant graphics

How Does Depression Affect You Socially?

When a person is experiencing depression, it can make them want to isolate themselves and be alone.

It can be challenging or very draining to be around others.

Many people who are depressed seem fine when they are in social situations. Just because someone is friendly, happy, or outgoing on the outside doesn’t mean they are not facing mental health challenges.

Depression affects each person differently.


What Are Some Cognitive Characteristics Of Depressed People?

Depression can change the way a person’s brain functions.

Some cognitive characteristics of individuals who are depressed can include:

  • Impaired learning
  • Trouble remembering things
  • Decreased attention and concentration
  • Taking steps to get things done
  • Ability to adapt to changing situations

Ways To Help Someone With Depression

A client talking to the counselor who has a prosthetic leg

Why Is It Important To Help People With Depression?

Depression is a serious mood disorder that can become life-threatening.

Helping a person with depression can improve their overall health and well-being and save a life.

Individuals with depression can face difficult feelings that can cause them to feel sad, helpless, lonely, and hopeless. It can be tough to get through daily life. Many people with depression don’t ask for help but need it.

Helping a person with depression can help them heal and live a healthy and sustainable life.


What Helps People Cope With Depression?

There are many different ways a person can cope with depression, including:

  • Keeping in touch with loved ones
  • Getting physical exercise
  • Spending time outside
  • Abstaining from substance use
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Having a healthy routine
  • Practicing good sleep habits
  • Talking to a mental health professional
  • Support groups
Ways to Cope with Depression illustrated into two categories; 1. Healthy life habits and 2)Support group with relevant digital illustrations

What Advice Can You Give Someone Who Is Depressed?

An essential piece of advice to give to someone who is depressed is to know that they’re not alone.

As lonely as it may feel, there is help out there.

Individuals facing challenges with depression may find it hard to open up about the difficult feelings they are experiencing. Talking to someone can lift that weight off and teach them healthy habits and ways to cope.


What Is The Best Way To Get Someone With Depression To Open Up?

There are different approaches to helping someone with depression, including therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.

It is important to find something that works for each unique individual. What works for one person may not work for another. Some people may benefit from therapy. Others may need a combination of medication and therapy.

A wide range of therapies is available for treating depression, including psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, refers to various psychological methods used for many different mental illnesses.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective form of psychotherapy that can help a person learn how to identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to help you determine what the best approach is for treating depression.

How To Support Someone Who Is Depressed

A person sitting down looking sad while two friends console him

Why Is Creating A Supportive Environment Important For Mental Health?

A person’s environment greatly affects their physical and mental health.

Creating a supportive environment is important in ensuring a person feels safe, comfortable, and secure.

When a person has a supportive environment, they don’t feel afraid to ask for help. They have someone to go to if they are going through a tough time, and they know that they are not alone.

For children and young people especially, supportive environments are essential in each individual’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.


What Is A Supportive Environment In Mental Health?

A supportive environment for mental health can take place at work, school, in the community, and at home.

Supportive environments are designed to encourage good physical and mental health.

A supportive environment can mean a number of different things, like:

  • Treating each individual with respect
  • Each person feels valued
  • Positive support and encouragement
  • Healthy communication
  • A safe and clean physical environment
Creating a Supportive Environment for Mental Health demonstrated with relevant graphics around them

How The Environment Contributes To A Depressive Disorder?

A person’s environment can contribute to and trigger symptoms of depression and other mental health disorders.

According to Experimental Neurobiology, individuals in an unhealthy environment are at a disadvantage regarding their mental health.


What Is The Best Response To Someone Who Is Experiencing Depression?

If someone is opening up to you about depression, there are a few ways you can respond to them.

You can remind them that they are strong for opening up about it and that you are glad they talked to you.

It is also important for them to know that they are not alone. You can offer them help and support based on what they are comfortable with. You can ask them what you can do to help them.

Validation also goes a long way. Remind them that you know it must’ve been hard to open up, and even if you don’t understand what they are going through, you are there for them.

The most important thing for a person experiencing depression is to know they are not alone, that you are there for them, and that support and help are available for them.

there is a blue background with a quote that says i love you

How Do You Help Someone Who Is Struggling Emotionally?

A few ways you can help someone who is struggling emotionally can include:

  • Listening to them
  • Validating and reassuring them
  • Being patient with them
  • Keeping in touch while respecting their boundaries
  • Checking in on them
  • Engaging in healthy, fun activities together
6 Emotional Support Methods represented with relevant graphics

What Are Some Communication Strategies To Help The Depressed Person?

Some ways to communicate with someone who is depressed can include:

  • Being validating and acknowledging
  • Practice being a good listener
  • Showing empathy
  • Avoiding assumptions
  • Being encouraging


What Are Three Strategies For Coping With Depression?

Three common strategies for coping with depression can include:

  1. Talking to a therapist
  2. Maintaining a healthy and balanced routine
  3. Staying in touch with family members and friends


How Does Listening Help In Depression?

Often, the most significant thing a person needs is someone to be there to listen.

Depression can cause many negative feelings, including loneliness, hopelessness, and emptiness.

Having a person be there to support them and understand them can make all the difference.

How To Help Someone With Depression Who Doesn’t Want Help

A female figure sitting and crying while a hand is reaching for her with light from the above

How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?

Sometimes, as much as you want to help someone, they may not want help.

If this is the case, you should not force them to take your help, as this can cause conflict and worsen the situation.

You want to make sure that they know you are there for them while still respecting their boundaries.

Sometimes, emotional support doesn’t have to be directly talking about what the person is going through.

You can also provide emotional support by encouraging healthy habits. This could be exercising together, eating healthy meals together, or going outside.

Helping a person doesn’t always have to be what you thought it was. Little things can make all the difference, and it is important to be patient and respectful.


What Advice Can You Give Someone Who Is Depressed?

One major piece of advice you can give someone who is depressed is to talk to someone and reach out for professional help.

Getting professional help can help a person learn hope to manage the symptoms of depression, cope, and live a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

"Talking to a professional can help you manage the symptoms of depression, learn to cope, and live a healthier life." written on top of a graphic of helping hand

At What Point Do You Stop Trying To Help Someone?

There is a boundary that should be set if a person keeps trying to help someone that doesn’t want to be helped.

One of the biggest indicators that you should stop trying to help someone is when it starts to take a toll on your mental health and well-being.

If you are spending an excessive amount of time, energy, and resources trying to help someone that doesn’t want to be helped, you should probably stop trying.

Sometimes, to help someone, both people need time and space apart.

It is important to recognize when it is time to stop trying to help.

Caring For Yourself

What Is The Meaning Of Self-care?

Self-care means that you do things to improve your physical and mental health and help you live well, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Taking care of yourself can include doing things like:

  • Getting exercise
  • Eating balanced meals and staying hydrated
  • Getting rest
  • Relaxing
  • Practicing healthy sleep habits
  • Staying connected with others
  • Practicing gratitude

Self-care can also mean learning how to set healthy boundaries and enforce them. Learning to say “no” when things are too much or overwhelming can help you protect yourself and your mental health.

Self-care doesn’t always look the same for each individual. But, it is important to find things that work best for you.

"Tips on taking care of yourself" written on top of the list of ways with relevant graphics

Why Is Self-care Important When Supporting Others?

If you don’t take care of yourself, it isn’t easy to take care of and support others.

Self-care can help a person maintain healthy relationships and be in a healthier mindset to be able to support others.

When you take care of yourself, you can offer support to others and maintain healthy boundaries at the same time.

What Are The 5 Benefits Of Self-care?

Self-care comes with many benefits, some of which include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved physical health
  • Healthy relationships
  • Boosted self-esteem and self-worth
  • Protected mental health


If you or someone you know may be facing challenges with mental health, the most important thing to do is seek professional help.

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Sandstone Care -  Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment

Let’s take the next steps together

Depression is a serious mood disorder. Learning the signs and symptoms of depression can help you support others with depression. Sandstone Care is here to support teens and young adults with mental health and substance use disorders.