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Keeping Our Family & Yours Safe

Here at Sandstone Care, we understand the concerns that many individuals share related to the spread of the COVID – 19 virus and the potential for community-based infections in the treatment community. In anticipation of potential concerns, Sandstone Care has implemented the following for the safety of our team and all of those we serve: 

  1. Internal policies around infection control that include the CDC’s recommendations for screening, prevention, and identification of potential cases; with protocols built around how to respond to a potential positive for the COVID-19 virus in the event that someone presents at one of our facilities with the condition.
  2. Increased protocols around disinfecting surfaces within the facility that are likely to have regular contact from clients or staff, to ensure that the facility is constantly being maintained during hours of operation above and beyond what would be considered standard for the industry.
  3. Admissions protocol that screens for the highest risk groups in order to help ensure the safety of individuals and/or families seeking care for addiction.
  4. Visitation policies are in line with CDC recommended screening protocols being utilized for screening potential patients. This is so we can ensure that the environment provided for our client care is one that can be as free of potential exposure as we can possibly make it. 

Making Treatment Accessible

As of Monday, March 16, 2020, Sandstone Care is launching virtual Intensive Outpatient and General Outpatient treatment services across all Colorado and Maryland outpatient locations to help support client and family needs during the COVID-19 pandemic

We believe the telehealth alternative will help allow ongoing treatment engagement and continuity while also keeping our clients, families, and team members safe. Clients and families will be able to engage in telehealth sessions with our providers utilizing any computer, tablet, or mobile device with an internet connection. 

Click here to learn more about Sandstone Care’s virtual IOP services!

COVID-19: Keeping Yourself Informed & Aware

Who is Eligible To Visit or Receive Services at Sandstone Care? 

Whether you are a potential client at Sandstone Care or a family member wanting to visit, please see the following questions:

  • Have you recently in the last 14 days been engaged with any travel outside of the U.S. to China, Iran, Japan, Europe, South Korea and/or the following counties in Colorado – Eagle, Summit, Pitken or Gunnison?  
  • Have you recently been in direct contact with any person who has been identified as a confirmed case of COVID-19 or is currently on the CDC list as a Person Under Investigation for COVID-19?
  • Have you experienced any of the following symptoms (unrelated to withdrawals from substance use)?
  • Upper respiratory distress including dry or productive cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever

If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions and/or are experiencing these symptoms and they aren’t otherwise linked to withdrawal symptoms, Sandstone Care requires a confirmatory test for COVID – 19 prior to entry into treatment.

Furthermore, we request that potential visitors or family members who have answered “yes” refrain from visiting any of Sandstone Care’s facilities and/or group sessions until at least 14 days have passed from the dates of travel, symptoms, or contact with an infected person has occurred.   

On behalf of the Sandstone Care community, we would like to say “THANKS!” for helping us maintain a safe and productive environment for all of those seeking recovery! We know that the health of our community is vital in ensuring that people have the best shot at achieving sobriety and appreciate your assistance in keeping the community healthy, purpose-driven, and strong.