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Why do teens use drugs

Why The Teen Years Are Some of The Most Difficult Ones

The teen years consist of a series of challenges for everyone. For some though, those challenges can quickly change from conquerable to overpowering, and this can lead to some serious issues for teens.

Once teens enter high school, they are bombarded with the pressures of maintaining good grades, engaging in extracurriculars, getting ready for college, having a social life, and figuring out what they want to do for the rest of their lives.

In addition to the normal stressors that come with being a teenager, it’s not uncommon for teens to face ridicule from peers, feel enormous amounts of pressure from parents or academic advisors, and also to begin dealing with mental health issues.

5 Reasons Teens Start Using Drugs & Alcohol

No two teens are alike, and neither are the challenges that they face. However, there are several common reasons why teenagers may begin to experiment with drugs or alcohol in the first place.

1. Peer Pressure

The National Institute on Drug Abuse conducted a survey in 2016 and discovered that 1.9 million adolescents ages 12 – 17 years old had used illicit drugs within 30 days of the survey. A majority of these teens reported being given drugs or alcohol by a peer. Teens want to be accepted and to fit in. When their best friend offers them drugs or alcohol, it’s unlikely that they’ll say no.

2. Self-Medication & Escape

It’s not uncommon for mental health symptoms to begin to make an appearance during the teen years. In order to cope with symptoms of depressionanxiety, or other mental health disorders, teens often begin using drugs or alcohol to minimize their symptoms or to “numb out”.

3. Performance Improvement

With immense amounts of pressure relating to academics and extra-curricular activities, teens may begin using performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants in order to meet the expectations of their parents, teachers, or coaches.

4. Experimentation

Kids are naturally curious, and kids grow into teenagers. It’s not uncommon for teens to seek out drugs or alcohol just to know what the sensations of being inebriated are like.

5. To Feel Grown Up

Teens want to feel grown-up, and it’s no surprise that they do! The idea of being an adult is new and exciting, and being able to drink, smoke cigarettes, or use illicit and harmful drugs is also exciting for many teens.

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Take our quiz to see if you or a loved one needs substance use or mental health support.

Developed by Chief Clinical Officer Sarah Fletcher, LPC

Parents: What Do You Do?

How Do You Talk To Your Child About Their Substance Use

The 2016 National Survey on Drug Use & Health estimated that 1.4 million teens need some level of treatment for an illicit drug problem, and the numbers are only growing. If you suspect your child is struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues, it’s important not to ignore the signs.

Signs may include:

  • Missing school
  • A significant drop in grades or performance at school
  • Pulling back from activities that you enjoy
  • Disinterest in spending time with family
  • Drastic changes in behavior including isolation

Then when we look at an actual substance use disorder, that comes into gaining a tolerance. So, do you need more of that substance in order to gain the achieved effect? It can also include withdrawal symptoms, so symptoms that make you feel icky or sick when you don’t use that substance.

a woman with a backpack and a cigarette and a bottle of marijuana

After that, we look at natural consequences. Are there any legal consequences for their use? Have they lost family or friends due to our use? It’s important to look at those interpersonal relationships, and also assess your ability to carry out things that you enjoy.

Finally, we have to look at the mental health side of things as well. Are we seeing an increase in sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest in activities? Do we notice that those interests return with the use of substances?

Answering “yes” to these questions can categorize that as a dependence on the substance.

Where Do Teens Go To Get Substance Use Treatment?

At Sandstone Care, we value teens and their families. We understand that every teen is different, and do our best to treat them as such. That’s why we created Cascade Canyon Teen Residential in Colorado and Chesapeake Teen Residential Center in Maryland.

Both centers are specifically designed for teens struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our whole-person treatment program helps teens learn healthy coping skills and resiliency.

At Cascade Canyon and Chesapeake, our clinical and medical team works together to create a unique and effective plan of action for each teen that enters our program. We not only provide treatment for the teen, we believe in treating the entire family unit. That’s why we devoted an entire weekend to providing support for the entire family through experiential activities, group therapy, psychoeducation groups, and family meals.

If you suspect your teen is using drugs or alcohol, reach out to one of our admissions coordinators today to start getting help for your teen and for your family.

Maryland Teen Rehab

Teen Drug Rehab & Mental Health Treatment

2020 Martins Grant Ct., Crownsville, Maryland, 21032

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Teens
Levels of Care: ResidentialAssessments
Treatment Programs: Mental HealthSubstance UseDual-Diagnosis
a close up of a table and chairs on a deck with an umbrella

Rehab for Teens

5250 Pikes Peak Hwy, Cascade, Colorado, 80809

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Teens
Levels of Care: ResidentialAssessments
Treatment Programs: Mental HealthSubstance UseDual-Diagnosis