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Alexandria Rehab Drug & Alcohol Resources

Alexandria, 20 minutes south of the District of Columbia, is located on the Potomac River and part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Known for its historic downtown center called Old Town, home to boutiques, restaurants, antique stores and theaters, draws those who live in Alexandria and visitors alike.

A mother hugging her teenage boy.
there is a man sitting at a desk with a black shirt
arafed woman with long black hair and a smile on her face

We’re here to help 24/7

Bridge in Alexandria

Finding Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Alexandria

Like Old Town, many Alexandria neighborhoods are compact and walkable. It is the 7th largest and highest-income independent city in Virginia.

As you begin the process of searching for the best treatment program for yourself or a loved one, there are a lot of factors to consider. You don’t need to travel out of state to get high quality treatment as there are great options locally in Virginia.

Determining what level of care is necessary can be extremely overwhelming. Talking to a knowledgeable treatment and mental health professional can help assess your needs, and guide you to resources that would be best for you.

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Sandstone Care’s Nearest Location

Our Virginia office is located in Reston, about an hour from Alexandria. At this location, we conduct our young adult PHP, and teen IOP programs as well our assessments and parent support groups.

Alexandria Featured Image

Alexandria Drug Rehab

5400 Shawnee Rd #101, Alexandria, Virginia, 22312

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
Image of a building with the Sandstone Care sign.

Virginia Detox Center

15100 Enterprise Court, Suite 300, Chantilly, Virginia, 20151

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Young AdultsAdults
Levels of Care: DetoxResidential
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
Reston Mental Health Center

Reston Rehab Center

11415 Isaac Newton Square S, Reston, Virginia, 20190

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Substance UseDual-Diagnosis
Reston Mental Health Center

Reston Mental Health Center

11415 Isaac Newton Square S, Reston, Virginia, 20190

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: TeensYoung Adults
Levels of Care: Partial Hospitalization (PHP)Intensive Outpatient (IOP)Assessments
Treatment Programs: Mental Health
Maryland Teen Rehab

Teen Drug Rehab & Mental Health Treatment

2020 Martins Grant Ct., Crownsville, Maryland, 21032

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Teens
Levels of Care: ResidentialAssessments
Treatment Programs: Mental HealthSubstance UseDual-Diagnosis
a close up of a table and chairs on a deck with an umbrella

Rehab for Teens

5250 Pikes Peak Hwy, Cascade, Colorado, 80809

(888) 850-1890
Age Groups: Teens
Levels of Care: ResidentialAssessments
Treatment Programs: Mental HealthSubstance UseDual-Diagnosis

How We Are Different

Sandstone Care aims to drive positive lasting change in real people struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. We understand that everyone’s situation is different, so we offer a more personalized rehab program than you’ll find anywhere else.

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Age-Specific Care
Age-Specific Care

We are age-specific, not gender-specific. We focus on the unique circumstances that you face at your specific stage of life.

Evidence-Based Therapy
Evidence-Based Therapy

We only use treatment interventions that have been scientifically proven to provide consistent, lasting recovery.

Small Group Sizes
Small Group Sizes

You are more than a number, which is why we provide an intimate setting where your voice can be heard.

Individualized Treatment Plans
Individualized Treatment Plans

No one person is the same, and neither is their recovery journey. Your treatment program will be tailored to your unique needs.

Academic and Vocational Support
Academic and Vocational Support

We want you to get the most out of life, which means feeling your best in the classroom or at your job.

The Family Component
The Family Component

Recovery involves the entire family, so we provide support for the whole family system.

A geometric graphic of a white mountain outline.

The Continuum of Care

Care for wherever you are in your journey.

Access a full range of treatments for mental health and substance use disorders. Whether you need a safe transitional living program, inpatient care, or outpatient treatment, we have a program to help.

Learn more about levels of care

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Options

Struggling with substance use or addiction? Our rehab centers can help.

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The transition between recreational alcohol use and alcohol dependence can be a subtle one. But if you’re finding that you can’t stop drinking when you want to, you may have alcohol dependence.

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Similar to alcohol use, smoking or ingesting marijuana has become normalized as a way to relax or take the edge off. When overused, it can make you feel unable to cope with life without using.

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A stimulant is any drug that increases your central nervous system activity. Stimulants are used to heighten attention, hyperactivity, and alertness. Abuse of these drugs can lead to a variety of health problems.

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Opioids are a class of drugs that include synthetic opioids, pain killers, and the illegal drug heroin. These drugs, including prescription medications, are highly addictive.

Mental Health Treatment Options

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Depression Treatment

Depression is more than just feeling down for a few days — symptoms are long lasting and can affect you in many ways.

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Anxiety & Bi-Polar Treatment

Anxiety disorders are thought patterns of fear, dread, and uneasiness that affect other aspects of your life.

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Trauma & PTSD Treatment

Trauma is the emotional response to a specific event like an accident, sexual abuse, or a natural disaster.

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ADHD & Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

ADHD is marked by difficulty focusing, controlling impulsive behaviors, and over-activity.

Nurse practitioner explains medical detox program at Sandstone Care
Medical Detox Explained

Medical Detox and Inpatient

Our 24/7 Medically supervised detox and inpatient program lasts 5-21 days.

We understand that you have your own unique story, so once you are safely stabilized, we listen to you about what has been going on and perform medical and psychological evaluations to get a better understanding of your individual needs.

Our comfortable private rooms and safe, supportive environment help you to recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Detox Center Locations

Teen Residential

The teen residential program is 60-90 days of on-site 24/7 treatment.

While in a safe and home-like setting, our highly credentialed and compassionate staff helps teens learn healthy ways to handle their daily struggles.

At our residential treatment center, we equip and empower teens and their families with the tools they need in order to make positive, healthy changes in their lives.

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there is a woman with glasses on looking at the camera
Teen Residential Care Explained
Woman explaining treatment at Sandstone Care
PHP Explained

Day Treatment (PHP)

On-site day treatment lasts 2-4 weeks.

Day Treatment helps support teens and young adults struggling with substance abuse and/or mental health disorders who need significant structure.

In our drug and alcohol rehab and mental health programs, we use scientifically-proven therapies that are guided by relevant data. Patient preferences are prioritized, which means customized treatment plans designed specifically for your unique needs.

PHP Treatment Locations

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOP lasts 8-12 weeks (on-site or virtual treatment).

Our after-school or after-work intensive outpatient programming helps teens and young adults overcome mental health and substance use challenges, while living at home and keeping up with daily responsibilities.

We provide individualized evidence-based treatment, promote family involvement, & provide you with the tools you need to reach lasting recovery.

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Seated woman explaining IOP at Sandstone Care
What is IOP?
there is a man sitting on a couch with a flower in the background
Transitional Living Program Overview

Transitional Living Program

Transitional living program lasts 2-6 Months.

Recovery is about more than simply abstaining from drug or alcohol use. It is also about developing a sustainable, balanced, and independent lifestyle.

Our transitional living homes are where young adults find support and structure early in the recovery process. Our homes are gender specific for men and women ages 18-30.

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Virginia’s Opioid Crisis

Alexandria has one the country’s oldest farmer’s market, dating back to the country’s first President, George Washington. He would bring his produce from his farm in Mt. Vernon. Another fun fact about the city, is that it has the first established library by John Wise. Originally called The Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge, the group wanted to create a space where people could read and learn about the world. Alexandria is a popular city for tourism and takes in over $800 million a year. But like many cities in Virginia, Alexandria has its own struggles with substance abuse.

Despite being one the best places to live, Alexandria, like so many other cities in the US is struggling with drug addiction and alcohol abuse. The opioid problem in Virginia became so bad that in 2016, a public health emergency was declared. Not only were people dying and overdosing on opioids, the state saw an increase in blood borne pathogen infections (Hepatitis C and HIV) due to the sharing of dirty needles. In 2018 an average of 3 Virginians died of an opioid overdose daily.
In 2013, the leading cause of unnatural death was fatal drug overdose, followed by motor vehicle accidents and gun fatalities. In Fairfax County, the death rate from heroin overdoses has doubled in the past two years, (similar to national trend) especially among young adult males.

Prescription drug and marijuana use has remained consistent among teens and young adults since 2011. On a positive note, fewer teens are smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol than at the start of the century. Virginia legislature is beginning to decriminalize marijuana and make it legal to smoke. This could pose challenges to public health officials who recognize that teen marijuana use can have an adverse effect on the growing brains of teens.

How Alexandria is Responding to Opioid Crisis

The Department of Community & Human Services in Alexandria offers a wide range of substance abuse treatment services. The Opioid Work Group was created in 2015 to respond to the opioid crisis with a series of initiatives to reduce opioid misuse and its harmful effects throughout the city. The Work Group is a multi-agency partnership comprised of representatives from city services to community partners taking a multi-dimensional approach to attacking the crisis. Those initiatives include:

  • Prevention & Education
  • Addiction Treatment
  • Overdose Response & Recovery
  • Diversion into Treatment
  • Supply Reduction


Since the Work Group began, they have noted several accomplishments. Highlights include the addition of drug take back boxes for used and unused needles, REVIVE! Narcan Trainings, diversion programs from jail to treatment, and staff trainings about opioid overdoses, administering Narcan, and activating the emergency response system.

Virginia’s Efforts to Save Lives

Virginia Department of Health created Comprehensive Harm Reduction (CHR), which is a set of Public Health strategies intended to reduce the negative impact of drug use including HIV, Hep C, overdose and death among people who are unable or not ready to stop using drugs by creating a needle exchange program where participants can exchange dirty needles for sterile hypodermic needles and syringes. CHR, also called needle exchange, syringe services, or syringe access, can decrease the spread of HIV and hepatitis.

Alexandria Drug & Alcohol Recovery Resources

In addition to seeking out support from addiction professionals, having a network of people that will build you up as you continue your sobriety is very important. Organizations like 12 Step Programs and SMART Recovery provide meetings that build up sober individuals and help to create a supportive community.

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Young black man standing in front of a blue background.

Let’s Take the Next Steps Together

We understand taking the first step is difficult. There is no shame or guilt in asking for help or more information. We are here to support you in any way we can.